
3 Methods to Give Complete Answers in IELTS Speaking

3 Methods to Give Complete Answers in IELTS Speaking 760 462 kupplinadmin

IELTS examiners must evaluate lengthy samples of your English to give you a specific score.

Because of this, short ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers in your IELTS Speaking test are not acceptable.  In addition to answering the questions, you must demonstrate your proficiency in English to the examiner.

The IELTS grader cannot know how well-versed you are in English if you only provide brief responses.

To score well on your IELTS Speaking section, you should follow these three (3) simple steps.

Method #1: Using Because, Examples, and Reasons

Connecting your ideas when taking the IELTS exam is a good idea.

You can use the practice to expand on your answer during the exam.

For instance:

Does anyone in your family cook?

A simple yes or no. The extended answer is that I cook because I have three younger siblings who rely on me to prepare dinner after my evening, French classes.

Commentary: When answering questions on the IELTS exam, think of the formula – Reasons + Examples.

In other words, it prepares the listener for what’s coming next.

(And it’s a collocation, so you get extra points!)

Details: After my French classes in the evenings

It’s a powerful answer to a simple question when one sentence is packed with details, collocations, and examples.


Method #2: Pay attention to the details

Please be as specific and thorough in your responses as possible.

To impress IELTS examiners, your answers must be precise and thorough.

Extend your responses as shown in the preceding illustration


What part of the world do you hail from?


Basic Response: My home country is the Philippines.


My hometown is Manila, a city of nearly 2 million people and the capital of the Philippines. I’ve lived here for the past 10 years and worked in the financial sector.

Commentary: Because the Philippines is such a vast country, it’s best to focus on a specific region. Tell us a few interesting tidbits about where you live.

Notice how the IELTS grader is informed about an excellent vocabulary term – metropolis. Despite its size, Manila is a pleasant place to visit.

Include specifics, such as the city’s population. The city’s population size is revealed by the population figures.

Remember that it doesn’t have to be accurate, but it should be close enough. The IELTS is an English language test, not a geography test.

Simply stating that Manila is large does not convey the city’s size.

It’s a complex grammar structure to master. You need a complex grammar structure if you want to pack a lot of information into a sentence (more below on that point).

This is a complicated one-sentence. A city of 2 million people and the capital of the Philippines are both appositives.

In addition, I’ve included information about where I’ve lived for the past decade.


Method #3: Using Complicated Grammar

It’s also possible to use the grammar structure of your sentences to expand your responses to IELTS questions.

As mentioned in #2, you want to include as much information as possible in your responses.

The grammar structures listed below can be of assistance.

To begin, use compound sentences.

Ex: I like to go swimming and diving for seashells in the ocean.

Sentences with Multiple Components:

In my previous job, I worked with the elderly in nursing homes. As a result, you can use grammar to expand your exam answers.


It is now time to practice answering the IELTS in the most comprehensive manner possible.

  1. Because + Arguments + Examples
  2. Pay attention to the smallest of details.
  3. Complicated Grammatical Structures

When answering questions in the IELTS Speaking Section, you can use any or all three options.

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