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FDA Approves New TB Cure That Can Treat Hard-to-treat Patients
FDA Approves New TB Cure That Can Treat Hard-to-treat Patients 800 450 kupplinadmin

The Food and Drug Administration approved a new tuberculosis medicine that makes treatment for the hardest-to-treat cases shorter and more effective. This is the first TB drug from the nonprofit…

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CBD: Fad or for Real?
CBD: Fad or for Real? 1024 683 kupplinadmin

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD is derived from the marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. This extract has been growing in popularity as it has been scientifically known to help relieve…

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JUULS Aren’t Cool
JUULS Aren’t Cool 760 507 kupplinadmin

Everyone you know either vapes or knows someone who does. While e-cigarettes have been around in 1960, vaping specifically, started in 2003 when Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik invented e-liquid, the…

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7 Q’s with Robert Reyes
7 Q’s with Robert Reyes 150 150 kupplinadmin

Welcome to our “quick bite” series, “7 Questions with Kupplin”! Enjoy our first interviewee, Robert Reyes.

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7 Questions with Jonathan Izquierdo
7 Questions with Jonathan Izquierdo 150 150 kupplinadmin

7 Questions with Jonathan Izquierdo

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7 Q’s with Michael Luna
7 Q’s with Michael Luna 150 150 kupplinadmin

Check out Michael Luna in our recent episode of “7 Q’s with Kupplin”.

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Healthcare Staffing Industry is Bound to Grow in 2020
Healthcare Staffing Industry is Bound to Grow in 2020 800 850 kupplinadmin

Are you aware about the continuous need for more and more healthcare professionals around the US every year? The table below shows some data that you should see. Total population…

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Nursing Always Present and Always Changing
Nursing: Always Present and Always Changing
Nursing: Always Present and Always Changing 612 408 kupplinadmin

Technology is an ever-present facet of society that continues to aid in our advancement regardless of the field. Specifically for nursing, there have been recent innovations that have the potential…

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Minute Clinics Shutting Down
Minute Clinics Shutting Down 1024 655 kupplinadmin

Walgreens recently announced that they would be closing 160 in-store clinics they had staffed in hopes to make a dent in the traditional healthcare delivery market. This could be positive…

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